A Country Gentleman

For a career lasting over 50 years, Chet leaves a legacy that branches out and continues to grow to this day. Although we lost one of the most gifted musicians in the industry, his range of influence continues to spread long after his death in 2001.

Kitchener movers were given a collection of Atkin’s greatest hits by a client as a thank-you for a job well done. Atkins touched a wide audience range – north and south, east and west. From the beginning, his first single with The All-Star Hillbillies in 1946 set him in the public eye. He advanced in his role as a master musician until he retired from public appearances in 1996. His virtuosity as a guitarist was and still is regarded as one of the all-time best.

I Think Chet Would Agree

When Chet Atkins was in his heyday we lived in simpler times. It was a time before the internet and social media and entertainers getting themselves confused with being political pundits. Back then people listened to our favorite crooners and didn’t have to take in their personal rhetoric about who should be or shouldn’t be holding public office.

Chet Atkins performed at the White House for every President from John F. Kennedy all the way through to George H.W. Bush, but we never heard him spout out his political views. His job was to entertain and bring music to the people – plain and simple. Jobs are self-designated. Chefs cook, landscapers trim trees and musicians perform music. It seems that using fame as a foundation for wisdom is not necessarily credible.